Like other organisations which provide food for the public, we are regulated by the Food Standards Agency and Environmental Health Department of Bradford Council. Our premises are regularly inspected to ensure cleanliness and adherence to basic rules. Our personnel are also trained to the standards expected so when people eat our food they can be sure we’ve done everything we can to ensure it’s a pleasurable experience – both during the eating and afterwards! Basically, this means we won’t accept food which has been over-produced – sometimes by well-meaning members of the public who, on realising they’ve provided too much for their immediate needs, are naturally not wanting it to go to waste and therefore, perhaps understandably, ring round many voluntary organisations in the hope that they will take the excess food and distribute it.
Some organisations might; but we won’t.
We don’t like waste, but, having been Finalists in the BBC sponsored British Food & Farming Awards in 2006, we know our reputation is on the line every time we open the kitchen door. Those we meet on our Soup Runs have also come to expect [and enjoy] a nutritious and healthy meal and we all work hard to make sure our standards are high.
So, lecture over! And I hope you understand our stance in this matter.