• 5:12 pm
  • Sunday
  • December 1, 2024
  • John Tempest – Director (30 years)
  • Julie Tempest (12 years)
  • Dominic MacCormack (6 years)
  • Andy James (6 years)
  • Angie Dunn (4 years)
  • Chris Kilcoyne (4 years)
  • Matt Feather (2 years)
  • Jim Bowmer (1 year)
  • Al Widdop (1 year)

The team have varied backgrounds and are chosen because of their ability to understand and help without being critical. Their ‘proper jobs’ include retailer, jeweller, teacher and public relations director, and apart from their own dedication to the success of the Soup Run they also have the understanding and support from their respective families.

We also have two former ‘clients’ who assist us each week. Their help and advice is invaluable.

At the time of writing we do not require any volunteers, but if you wish to help us you can find out more on How you can help